Local SEO Insights

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How to Write an Amazing "About" Page for Your Website

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An About page is often the most neglected page on a company website, but it provides a perfect opportunity to communicate to customers (new and old) how you differ from your competition. Your About page also provides a great opportunity to optimise for local search. Crafting an amazing "About" page can be tricky, but it's worth taking the time to get it right.

In this post, we'll give you some tips on how to write an engaging and compelling About page for your company website.

Before we get into it, here are a few considerations to bear in mind when writing your About page.

  • Write for your audience: Are you writing for businesses vs. consumers, young vs. old?

  • Be real: Provide a peek behind the scenes of your business and the people in it. 

  • Be honest: Stick to facts and specifics rather than hyperbole.

  • Provide social proof: Testimonials, awards and press coverage all help build trust.

  • Be engaging: Use clear and concise language, breaking up the text to add visual interest.

  • Include imagery: Photos or videos of you and the team in action give a sense of what a customer can expect.

Here are some essentials for you to consider for your About page...

What's your business' back story?

How did you get started? How did the idea come about? Who founded the business? Is the company big or small? Is it public, private or family-owned? Who's running the show? How long have you been in business? How have you grown? Customers want to know, so don't be afraid to share your company's story on your About page. It doesn't have to be lengthy or complicated - just a few sentences will do. But it should be authentic and give visitors a sense of who you are and what you stand for.

Your About page is the perfect opportunity to show off your company's personality, so don't be afraid to let your voice shine through. Be friendly, approachable, and helpful, and potential customers will see that you're a business they can trust.

Where is your business located?

If you're a local business, it's important for local SEO to include your location on your About page. This can help you rank in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Remember to include your address, phone number and email address, as well as a map if you can. You might also want to mention any other locations you have or highlight any areas you serve.  

What are your business' values? 

Do you put customers first? Do you focus on quality over quantity? Are you environmentally friendly? Do you give back to the community? Your values are an important part of what makes your business unique, so don't be afraid to showcase them prominently on your About page. This is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and businesses, and it can help attract new customers who share your values.

Including information about your company's values on your About page also shows that you're not just in it for the money - you actually care about making a difference. And that's something everyone can appreciate.

What are your business' goals?

What does success look like to you? What are you working towards? Your goals give visitors a sense of where your business is headed, and they can help inspire confidence in your products or services. If you're working towards something big, share it on your About page! Customers will be happy to know that they're supporting a company with ambition and drive.

And if you've already achieved some major milestones, don't be afraid to brag about them a little bit. This shows that you're a business that knows how to get things done - and that's always impressive.

What makes your business unique? 

This is perhaps the most important question to answer on your About page. What sets you apart from other businesses in your industry? Why should customers choose you over your competitors?

Answering these questions isn't always easy, but it's important to try. After all, if you can't figure out what makes your business special, how do you expect customers to do it?

Think about what sets your local business apart from others, in terms of products, services, values, goals, or anything else which is relevant to your business in particular. Once you've identified your unique selling points, include them on your About page. This will help you stand out from the crowd and attract attention from potential customers.

Including clear and concise information about your products or services is essential for any About page. But simply listing off features is not enough - you need to actually sell potential customers on why they need your products or services in their lives. Think about the benefits of your products or services, and make sure to include them on your About page. For example, if you sell eco-friendly cleaning supplies, you could mention that they're gentle on the environment and safe for use around children and pets.

Customer testimonials

Including customer testimonials by showcasing reviews on your About page is a great way to show potential customers that you're a business they can trust. After all, if other people have had positive experiences with your products or services, there's a good chance they will too.

Introduce your team

Which team members are your customers likely to meet (and who's working behind the scenes to make things happen)? Your About page is a great opportunity to introduce your team members and give visitors a sense of who they're supporting when they do business with you. If you have any particularly friendly or outgoing employees, make sure to include them on your page.

If you don't want to include photos of your team members, that's okay - there are other ways to make them seem approachable and relatable. Try writing short bios for each team member, and make sure to mention their hobbies or interests. This will help potential customers feel like they know your team members on a personal level, which can be very valuable.

Have you won any awards or industry recognition?

Be sure to also include information about any awards or accolades your business has received. This helps build trust with potential customers, as it shows that you're a business with a track record of success. If you've been featured in any major publications, or if you've won any awards, make sure to include this information on your About page. This will help give potential customers the peace of mind that they're dealing with a reputable and well-respected business.

Are you a member of any industry associations?

If you're a member of any industry associations, this is also worth mentioning on your About page. This helps show potential customers that you're a business that takes its commitments seriously. Include the association logo on your About page with a link to their website in order to help show potential customers that you're a business they can trust.

How can customers get in touch with you?

Including contact information on your About page is essential for any local business. After all, if potential customers can't get in touch with you, they can’t do business with you. Make sure to include your local business' phone number, email address, and mailing address (if you have one). You should also include links to your social media profiles, as well as any other relevant contact information.

If you have a physical location, remember to include directions on your About page. This will make it easier for potential customers to find you, help in near me searches, and it shows that you're willing to go the extra mile to accommodate them.

Which suppliers are you working with?

If you work with any major suppliers, it is definitely worth mentioning them on your About page. This helps show potential customers that you're a trustworthy and reliable local business that takes its commitments seriously.

Include product and service supplier logos on your About page with links to their websites. This will help show potential customers that you're a genuine business. You can also link out to any product or service-specific pages on your website for customers to find out more.

What’s happening behind the scenes?

Finally, you may also want to include some information about what's happening behind the scenes at your business. Are you attending any industry events? Are you or the team doing anything extra-curricular such as participating in a charity event?

A restaurant might mention that all of your food is prepared fresh daily and share pictures of the team sourcing their fish. A retailer might mention that all of your products are hand-selected by experienced buyers.

It's also worth linking to (or even embedding) some of your latest news and blog posts on your About page.

Following these tips, you'll be able to create an amazing About page that will help convert website visitors into customers and clients. And, if you need help with local SEO, contact us today to learn more about our local SEO services and how we can help you improve your online visibility and reach your target audience. What are you waiting for? Get writing!